Kristál Torres
Meet Kristál Torres from Hudsonville, MI. Kristál has been battling lupus for 9 years and is grateful for the good days.
Kristál’s Story:
It began when I was a teenager. At 16 years old, I had dangerously high blood pressure with no known causes after lots of testing. I began to get rashes, fevers, illnesses, and debilitating pain. I was finally diagnosed after years of suffering with multiple incorrect diagnoses, several long hospital stays with lung involvement called pleurisy and kidney problems eventually requiring surgery. I’ve had positive ANA tests and negative ones. But I applaud the doctor who finally solved the puzzle. I suffer still to this day with widespread joint pain, headaches & migraines, fevers, debilitating pain and fatigue, anxiety and depression. I have sensitivity to light and heat and cold, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, blood clots, several allergies to medications, neuropathy, and partial paralysis. I have lost my hair twice and it returned but frail and brittle. Everyday is like Russian roulette with how I may be feeling. Some days I can work my part time job, other days I spend days on end in bed and I live at the doctor and hospitals but not by choice.
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who is newly diagnosed? Advocate for yourself! Seek multiple opinions for care.
What is one misconception you wish you could change about lupus? That it’s rare and people haven’t a clue what it actually is.
What brings you joy? I’m grateful for the good days and take advantage of them when I could with my amazing husband and children by my side who from them and God I draw my strength!